For Post-Physical Therapy
Post-physical therapy (Post-PT) is really just a name for movement improvement. If you don’t feel 100%, or less than you were in the past, Post-PT can help you recover yourself.
YES! The idea behind our system is better movement, at all joints, at all times. Movement improvement can definitely help you re-learn how to use what you’ve got, to the best of your abilities.
No it does not, unfortunately, and we took that into account by designing a weekly cost that matches what are now usually the lowest¬ co-pays for physical therapy. Our programs are the same price whether you would like 2, 3, 5, or whatever number of days per week depending on your motivation.
Yes it is. We start with some at-home assessments and a simple questionnaire. From there, your progress and path will be uniquely tailored towards what you do well (we run with it!) and improving what is challenging until you’re happy with the new (old) you.
We do not recommend our program as a replacement for physical therapy. It is possible that it can be a supplement to your prescribed PT as many of the movements and progressions were created by physical therapists over the past 50 years
For Trainers & Providers
YES! You are exactly one of the health professional providers we targeted the course to help. In fact, our goal is to teach some techniques and skills so that you can produce better programs and homework for your clients.
We offer an entirely on-line course of 8 videos that include scientific background as well as practical techniques. Our course covers portions of the nervous system and graduate level practice in analytical skills to make you a better expert. Neither of these are covered in any other national certification to our knowledge.
As long as you would like. We want you to be able to go back and access the material, remember and use it, think about the implications and develop client programs.
Yes, the CEUs are 0.6 credits for NASM and 3.0 for NCSF. We anticipate a Certification to be completed and ready by Jan 1, 2023.